This page outlines the different categories of projects you can do with us. If you have any questions at any point, please talk to one of the board members or send an e-mail to us at [email protected]. For more details regarding the format of the projects, see

Project Sessions Information

This list is partly based on the following project lists:

If you have any specific questions or want ideas of where to start you can ask them on the “no-stupid-questions” section of our Discord channel!

⚡Category #1 - Direct impact

You want to make the world a better place and you want to make impact now! In EA we sometimes think students should build career capital and do not bother too much about making impact yet. Although it makes sense, there are plenty of examples of student impact, let’s do it!

🔬 Category #2 - Research

The world is built on knowledge, and it always needs another critical eye. If you’re a student looking for opportunities to do research in the future, or just get a bite into something that you’re really curious about, this is a good category for you. Many within the EA movement work on various forms of research.

📣 Category #3 - Communication